The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 298
6Three Giant Beasts67Subway’s Customs Clearance Trick78 Something Is Wrong with Mr. Dragon89 Ways to Defeat the Dragon910-Down Russell Subway Team1011 Greater than Hydra1112 Outsmart the Hundred-Headed Snake1213Rosei’s One-Second Speed Method1314 Wins1415 Precious College Coins1516Russell’s Pretentious Habits1617 Majors in Seven Colleges17Branch 18 Hammer: Department of Civil Engineering1819 The Devil's Whispers1920Russell Is Short of Money20The First Class of School on 21st2122 Strength System: Major, Grade, Major Core Courses2223Strange Visions2324Russell’s Strange Talent2425 Tentacle Monster2526 Psychic Tyrannosaurus Rex Ghost2627 Meet Mr. Bai Again2728 Be Brave when It Comes to Justice2829 Divination, but the Accuracy Is 502930Enmity3031 Russell Is Always Logically Clear3132 Russell VS Bai3233 Secret Skill, Teacher Summoning Technique3334 Three Terrifying Prophecies From Hero to World-Destroying Demon King3435 The Conspiracy of the Demonic Order3536Abnormal Nocturne Classmate3637 College’s Ten Weird Stories3738First Academy Mission3839Can Junk Spells Be Improved?3940Goodbye Tentacle Monster!4041 Idol (The Silver Alliance Makes Its Ambition Clear!)4142Three Laws of Magic4243 Questions4344 Modern Sympathetic Witchcraft, Metaphysical Card Drawing4445 Clara’s Identity4546Subway’s Old Friends (Big Chapter)4647 Nanami’s Membership Mission (Part 2)4748 Progressive Russell4849Start with Campus Ghost Stories4950This Person Knows the History of the College5051 The Mystery of the Disappearance of Top Student Duncan5152 Tracking Nocturne5253Russell Loves to Find Trouble5354Promoted to the Middle of First Grade5455It’s Time to Choose the Magic Weapon55