My British Empire
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 620
Not to Be Underestimated430Unimaginable431End432Harvest in 1558433Knights Conference (Part 1)434Tournament (Part 2)435King Play436The Mystery of Henry II's Death437Reactions From All Parties438Hunting Flag439Written Request for Leave440Last Chance441Irish Despair442Royal Merchant443Panic of the Netherlands444Ireland's Sewerage445Irish Conqueror446Parting447Old Friend448Knighted449Inspect the Army450War Preparation451National Position452War Started453The Fall of Paris454Bad Situation455Attacking Prime Minister456Brittany457Reactions From All Parties458Happy New Year to Everyone459Capture of Orleans460Turbulent France461Initial Foothold462Persuade to Surrender463Invasion of Brest464Sad, Irritable465Rohan Family466Normandy Crisis467Double Change Tomorrow468Brittany Got It469Royal Academy of Sciences470Cement Research471Fire Me472Negotiation473Imminent474Vs French Army475Achieve the Set Goal476Victory477One Day Off, Tomorrow Two More478Four Hundred and Sixty Seventh Negotiation479