From the Country Team To the Rich
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 951
Halftime Lore!625Absolutely Not!626Goal Again Goal627Happy Football628Head to the World629Bait630He Is Lying to Us?631Stay or Stay632Negotiations and Scams?633Chairman Replacement6341 Day Off!635To Finalize636Dechao! Coming!637German Football League638Public Representation and Internal Bullying639The Same Proportion as the Giants640Race Restart641Adjustment Ability642Turin's Problem643Inflated Bauer State644The Situation Is Clear645Bundesliga! Variable!646How Handsome Is the Front Face?647Dreams Deserve to Be Respected648Just Do It!649Vote650Tit for Tat651Roquel's Outburst652Harbour... Gone!653Dive to the Top!654Weird 15 Minutes!655Torino's Mess656Can We Plan Ahead?657High-Level Rectification658Secret Meeting659Expansion of Football School660Temperament and Faith661Champions League Group Stage Ends662Sublimation663Go to Brazil Again664Nasser665Nasser's Appeal666European Immigration Quota667Signature668Return Home Again669Suffocating Rhythm670Distressed Munich 1900671Circumstances Vary672Tit for Tat673Unexpected Tactics674